Hi, I’m Emma, a self-confessed self-help book addict and wannabe GBBO contestant! And this is my blog, which I started as a way to explore how food can be used in the art of self-improvement and self-care, but I have since widened the focus to also look into other aspects of wellbeing and self-development.
Food is such a fundamental part of our everyday lives. Not only does what we eat have a huge impact on how we feel, it can also bring great joy in many other ways. From the feeling of creativity and sense of purpose when baking a cake to the happiness felt when other people enjoy our food. But I’d like to go one step further than this and look at ways in which food, and baking, can be used intentionally to help us grow and find happiness.
And, while I know how important self-care is, I find it very difficult to practise – sitting down and reading a book in the middle of the day feels far too self-indulgent. But going into the kitchen and making a batch of my daughter’s favourite cupcakes is my form of self-care. And it’s that combination of self-care with practicality that works for me and one that I intend to fully indulge through this blog.
For those eagle-eyed amongst you, you will spot that there is an 18-month gap in blog posts. There are lots of reasons why I ended up pausing on the blog, mainly just life being very busy, but I did manage to publish my first book in that time, Guilt-Free Self-Care: It’s Easier Than You Think! I wanted to provide a practical guide to self-care and try and take some of the guilt out of doing so. I’ve missed writing this blog though so am jumping back on the writing band-wagon, as and when time allows!